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Personal banking advice

All about mobile remote deposit – making banking more convenient

With mobile banking on the rise, savvy consumers are looking for a way to manage their finances.

Mobile RDC can help you bank with maximum efficiency and convenience.

What is mobile remote deposit capture (RDC)?

Mobile Remote deposit capture (mobile RDC) is a new technology in the banking industry that activates your smartphone as a check-scanning device. This allows you to make deposits from anywhere easily.

All you need to do is snap a photo of the front and back of the check you want to deposit, then submit it to your bank straight from the app. You will receive quick confirmation if the deposit was accepted, or if another photo needs to be taken.

It’s as simple as that. Take a look at some of the more unique features of mobile RDC. You’ll soon wonder how you got along without it.

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Is mobile remote deposit capture secure?

Security has always been a central concern for consumers and it is a key aspect of mobile RDC.

It has increased protection over traditional depositing methods including duplicate detection and codeline validation features to put your mind at ease.

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Why should I use mobile remote deposit capture?

In our increasingly mobile world, convenience proves to be the main concern for consumers of all kinds.

With mobile RDC, you can manage a steady flow of personal checks without ever having to visit a bank branch.

Scan checks from your home or anywhere else in minutes, and you will wonder why you ever did it the old fashioned way.

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Will I get access to my money faster with mobile remote deposit capture or going to the bank?

Remotely deposited checks clear two to three days faster than their physical counterparts because they save the bank a few extra steps during processing.

This puts the funds you need in your hands faster than ever. More fluid funds and greater control over your account make mobile RDC an appealing option.

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How do I start using mobile remote deposit capture?

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