A lot has changed with the new website… all to serve you better.
You’ll find the new website to be concise, efficient, but robust enough for you to go as deep as you need to go, without forcing you to endlessly dig to solve your current need.
Why did we release a new website?
Frankly… if we’re honest, it was way past time.
The old website served you and us well for a long time, but… as things do, it became old and started to show its age. And with its age, came a lot of obstacles and hurdles.
It began failing to properly represent who Herring Bank is today.
With age, the previous site lost its sense of a cohesive message. By the end, it was struggling to present all of Herring Bank, it’s services and products, as one complete package. It lost its voice.
It was slow and increasingly hard to navigate, especially on mobile.
It had been years since a refresh, and again with its age, it lost its position of preeminence and began to… bloat. The navigation had become fragmented. Important, new, and popular content was starting to get lost in the mix for some customers.
It wasn’t helpful to you, the customer.
Adding the two previous reasons together, we arrive at the largest reason… the website lost its ability to communicate effectively and efficiently – which is a detriment to both you and us.
Something we could not and would not tolerate.
The new website fixes all of that.
We believe the new Herring Bank website will be a new tool that is much more helpful and impactful for you and us alike – making our relationship and interactions even more valuable.

Here’s what’s changed and what you need to know.
Several of the most used features of the old website have been made easier to access. While they will be easier, they will also be in different locations than you are used to finding them.
The location of where you find your login/s are changing
Bookmarked URLs and direct access to login portals
If you’ve bookmarked and/or rely on direct URLs to access individual login services, those URLs are remaining unchanged and should perform as normal. These include:
Herring Rewards Account:
Credit Card:
Paycard Online:
Corporate Trust Broker/Dealer:
Self-directed Trust:
Locations of forms and clickable links to login forms
If you rely on navigating our website for finding your login portal, where you find those has changed. We’ve changed the location of the clickable links on the website that directs you to each login page.
Every available login will be easily found on and accessible from any and every page.
On desktop
You will be able to find all logins available in the top right corner of the website.
- Click the “login” label in the top right corner next to the searchbar.
- Select the service you need to login into.
- Login as normal.

On mobile
You can find all the logins on the top mobile menu bar.
- Click the login link at the top of the page next to the menu link.
- Select the service you need to login into.
- Login as normal.

The forms have a new look-and-feel, but they’re the same.
The login for online banking and student login banking are still accessible from the same URLs, but they look different than they used to.
They’re still the same login portals, and you’ll be able to continue to use your same username and password as before.
Online banking login from homepage
This is the login box you will see on the homepage.

Student online banking login
This is the login box you will see on the student login page/s.

Online banking login from the Online Banking Page
This is the login box you will see on the online banking page.

Bookmarks may need to be updated
We’ve cleaned house with this new update. We’ve discarded dozens of outdated pages, re-organized and re-grouped our pages, updated our content… we’ve made major overhauls on every page.
This will make it considerably easier to find what you need moving forward, but to do so, we had to make a few hard breaks.
The URL structure for most pages are changing.
Any bookmark you currently rely on will continue to work, but if you notice a new page URL from your bookmark/s, please, consider updating your bookmark/s so that they access the new page URL instead of relying on our redirects.
We’ve made it easier to contact us
You’ll be able to contact us and find our contact information much easier.
Our corporate office customer service phone number will be found at the top and bottom of every page.
Our corporate office’s most popular contact numbers will be found at the bottom of every page.
Our support page will make it easy to find corporate, individual departments, individual department VP, and every individual branch contact information.
Each branch location will have it’s own page with contact information and it’s own contact form so you’ll be able to contact your branch much easier.
A little about who we are and how we went about this.
We are a financially conservative, personalized, up-front community bank. We sincerely care about each customer and their needs.
What makes us, us?
We care about our customers because they are our neighbors – we want them to succeed.
Our customers are people we care about and like, not just another account number.
If you’re in our lobbies or walking past our offices, you’ll hear us. We ask our customers about their vacation last month, how their kids are doing, what they’re doing for the upcoming holiday.
If someone walks in our door, they’re somebody we know!
Why does that matter?
Since we know them, we don’t treat them like cattle, bleeding them for what we can get in fees and upsells that aren’t relevant or helpful.
We have a personal-ized relationship with each customer.
How does that benefit the customer?
We’re proactive in our communication. Our staff give away their emails, desk numbers, and even personal cell phone numbers.
We are a close team of bankers – our lenders are aligned with our mortgage dept who are aligned with the wealth management team, etc… allowing us to make better recommendations.
We do things that other banks consider too time-consuming or not valuable enough to consider.
We don’t just give a “no” – we work with the customer to find a way. If a yes is possible, we’ll get there. We’re creative and resourceful.
And, we have a long track record to prove it.

We don’t close, we don’t default, we don’t over stretch in good times, so, we don’t have exposure during the bad.
We’re consistent.
A bit about the website and our process.
We want to make this new website a phenomenal tool, a resource, for both you and our staff. The goal – make life easier across the board for anyone who has questions about Herring Bank.
We worked with Dan Design to rebuild our site from the ground up. We started with extensive internal and external interviews to determine where our old site was lacking and what the new website needed to be.
We re-categorized our site structure, made our navigation much more intuitive, overhauled our messaging, made the look-and-feel more reflective of our customer base – our goal is for every page to be as useful, intuitive, and helpful as possible. Removing the barriers and obstacles so you can get what you need faster.
We have plans and anticipate adding more tools and helpful resources over time to make this website even better and more helpful.
So, please, don’t be shy about sharing what you think would make any particular page even more helpful and useful for you.